Choose up to 5 events (dates, goals, targets, objectives) that are important to you and track them to see the time left(days, hours, minutes, seconds) until completion. Go to Gadget Settings and set the appropriate numeric values of the event that you want to monitor, a name of the event and desired colorful theme. Also you can visualize the current date and a digital clock. Keywords: passed time,application, dates difference, gifts, jewel, diamonds, ring,color, buy, give, countdown, candy, calendar, T-Minus, track, timer, clock, tracking time, calculate how long since,Apocalypse ,progress ,stopwatch , online ,upcoming , release dates, movie, schedule, Wedding day ,expiration ,Super Bowl ,Chanukah ,remind, birthdays, friends and family , rugby, Olympic Games ,Formula 1 ,Valentines Day ,UEFA Euro football, soccer ,special moment ,End of the world ,Christmas ,Mayan ,holydays ,easter ,new year ,job , age, movie release ,tennis ,chess ,business meeting, conference, assembly, summit, seminar, board meeting, consultation, get-together, gathering, convention , appointment, pregnancy ticker,count down the days , baby, operation, Nascar, holidays ,vacation , xmas, tv show, holiday, religious, exercising , sport, timekeeper , affair, milestone, basketball.----compte à rebours. noël. Pâques. événements. réunion. projets. les jours fériés.--Weihnachten. Ostern. Ereignisse. Treffen. Projekte. Feiertagen.--conto alla rovescia. natale. pasqua. gli eventi. riunione. progetti. vacanze.--cuenta atrás. navidad. semana santa. eventos. reunión. los proyectos. días de fiesta. --contagem regressiva. christmas. easter. eventos. reunião. projetos. feriados. --العد التنازلي. عيد الميلاد. عيد الفصح. الأحداث. الاجتماع. المشاريع. الأعياد. --倒计时。圣诞节。复活节。事件。会议。项目。假期。 --odpočítávání. Vánoce. Velikonoce. Události. jednání. projekty. svátky. --nedtællingen. jul. påske. arrangementer. møde. projekter. helligdage.nedtællingen. jul. påske. arrangementer. møde. projekter. helligdage. --aftellen. Kerstmis. pasen. evenementen. vergadering. projecten. feestdagen. --lähtölaskenta. joulu. pääsiäinen. tapahtumia. kokouksessa. hankkeita. vapaapäiviä. digitaalinen kello.--αντίστροφη μέτρηση. Χριστούγεννα. Πάσχα. γεγονότα. συνάντηση. έργα. διακοπές. ψηφιακό ρολόι. -- उलटी गिनती. क्रिसमस. ईस्टर. घटनाओं. बैठक. परियोजनाओं. छुट्टियों. डिजिटल घड़ी. --visszaszámlálás. karácsony. húsvét. események. ülésén. projekteket. ünnepek. digitális óra. --カウントダウン。クリスマス。イースター。イベント。ミーティング。プロジェクト。祝日。デジタル時計。 --카운트 다운. 크리스마스. 부활절. 이벤트. 회의. 프로젝트. 휴일. 디지털 시계. --nedtelling. jul. påske. hendelser. møtet. prosjekter. helligdager. digital klokke. --обратный отсчет. Рождество. пасхи. событий. встречи. проектов. праздники. цифровые часы. --nedräkning. julen. påsk. händelser. möte. projekt. helgdagar. digital klocka. -- geri sayım. yılbaşı. easter. olaylar. toplantı. projeler. bayramlar. dijital saat.-- numaratoare inversa, timp scurs, ceas, urmari timp, calcula timp,pana cand, Apocalipsa, progres, cronometru, online, date viitoare, program tv, ziua nuntii, Ziua Indragostitilor, fotbal,Sfarsitul lumii, Craciun, Maya, Paste, Anul Nou, film, intalnire afaceri, conferinta.