With this gadget you may enjoy a beautiful slideshow of christmas pictures.This widget also offers you a countdown to christmas day, a digital clock, a Google Search Bar(you can show or hide it), a background chrismas song. Among other cusomizable options of the Slidehow: Zoom In and Out, Play,Pause, Next,Previous, Random buttons. With jQuery Ui you may choose from a wide variety of cool themes. The source of the photos and the song: wikimedia.org. Keywords: images collection, photos, related, magnify, minify,enlarge, photographs, screenshots,Wallpapers, animated, animation, customize, image gallery, contrlos,showcase, thumbnails, tree, decoration, santa claus, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas,reindeer Rudolph,Xmas, snow, decorations, presents, gifts, ornaments. -- craciun fotografii prezentare. cantec. fotografii. numaratoarea inversa. Mos.Pom de Crăciun decoratiuni. --natale immagini presentazione. canzone. le foto. conto alla rovescia. Babbo Natale. albero di ecorazioni. --Photos de Noël diaporama. chanson. photos. compte à rebours. le Père Noël. Décorations de Noël arbre. --Weihnachten Bilder. Diashow. Images. Weihnachtsmann. lied. Christbaumschmuck. --natale immagini. presentazione. Canzone. Foto. conto alla rovescia. Babbo Natale. Albero di natale decorazioni. --Imágenes de la Navidad. presentación de diapositivas. Canción. Fotos. cuenta atrás. Papá Noel. árbol. --Natal imagens. canção. fotos. contagem regressiva. Papai Noel. Decorações da árvore . --Рождественские картины. слайд-шоу. песня. фотографии. обратный отсчет. Санта-Клаус. Елочных украшений. --クリスマスの写真。スライドショー。歌。写真の。カウントダウン。サンタクロース。クリスマスツリーの飾り。 --圣诞节的照片。幻灯片。歌曲。照片。倒计时。圣诞老人。圣诞树装饰品。 -- julebilder. lysbildeshow. sang. bilder. nedtelling. Juletre dekorasjoner. -- Kerst foto's. diavoorstelling. lied. foto's. aftellen. Kerstboomversiering.